Höttinger Bach

The Höttinger creek originates below the Frau Hitt and flows through the ditch Höttinger

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The Höttinger stream in the north chain, the southernmost mountain range in the Karwendel, rises about 400 meters south below the Frau Hitt, flows south through to his creation " Höttinger ditch " where to permit further inflows allow the stream to be larger and opens into the Mariahilf district into the Inn. The aboveground part is visible to the intersection of Schulgasse with the Alley, then the stream runs in an underground channel. The creek is located entirely on Innsbruck's urban area and has a length of approximately 8.75 miles.

Near its origin built the city, a drinking water reservoir, which mainly is supplied Hungerburg region. Its excellent water quality of the Level I reserves the creek throughout its course.

The small stream may seem like a harmless waters appear, but can occur rapidly during floods or heavy rain over the banks and has repeatedly flooded Hoetting. The earliest from 2013, the construction of a detention basin is planned Höttinger trench to let the creek drain Höttinger dosed at high water.
