Huahine Cuckoo-Dove

The Huahine Cuckoo Dove ( Macropygia arevarevauupa ) is an extinct pigeon from the kind of cuckoo doves ( Macropygia ). She is known only from a tibiotarsus with missing joint rollers ( medial condyle ), which was funded in 1985 by the anthropologist Yosihiko H. Sinoto in the archaeological deposit Faahia on Huahine in the Society Islands for days. The age of the subfossil bone is dated to 750 to 1250 years.

The length of the tibiotarsus, judging by the represented Huahine Cuckoo Dove of the largest species of cuckoo doves. She had long slender legs, suggesting that they lived mostly on the ground. Whether it was airworthy or unable to fly, can only be determined if new bone material is known. Like their relatives in the Marquesas - Macropygia heana - it was probably a victim of the early Polynesian settlers hunting and their entrained mammals.
