Hugo Weidel

Hugo Weidel ( born November 13, 1849 in Vienna, † June 7, 1899 ) was an Austrian chemist.


Hugo Weidel habilitated in 1878 at the Vienna University of Chemistry. In 1886 he was appointed to the University of Agricultural Sciences as a full professor. Since 1891 he was professor at the University of Vienna.


Weidel dealt mainly with the study of oxidation and degradation of alkaloids, nicotine and Berberinsäure, phenolic benzene derivatives and animal tar. The Weidelsche reaction is named after him.


1880 Weidel received the Lieben Prize.


1906 a relief with Avatar by Hugo Weidel the artist Alfonso Canciani was unveiled in arcades of the University of Vienna. 1956 named to the Weidelstrasse in Vienna-Favoriten after him.
