
With the word humanitarianism, a " people-friendly attitude, attitude of mind " described. However, in the German-speaking countries, the term has more of a negative coloring.

Humanitarianism in the debate

Jean Pictet true humanitarianism as " a fully developed and rationalized form of love and justice." Konstantinos Delikostantis pointed out that humanitarianism in the sense Pictet could have fatal consequences for the understanding of humanity and human rights. For him, in Pictet's collection of humanitarianism basis for an internationalized humanity par excellence is the risk that the effort sozialeudämonistische contained overshadowing all other positive intentions of humanitarian thinking and distorting. Arnold Gehlen, too, saw in humanitarianism a danger, namely when these stressful ethical autocracy and other forms of repressive ethos. The charge of Gehlen to the humanitarianism refers essentially to the link between humanitarianism with Masseneudämonismus and hypertrophic moralizing. In addition, Gehlen criticized in the guise of humanitarianism particularistic interest would be issued as a global concern. Vilfredo Pareto suggested the humanitarianism as an indication of the decline of the prevailing elite, Raymond Aron recognized in humanitarianism, a possible sign of the decline of Western society. Some theorists left ( in Gehlen related ) criticize the humanitarianism turn just the aspect that he would used as a tool of imperialism and the help not believe the problem at the root.
