Hungarian Justice and Life Party

The MIEP (Hungarian: Magyar és Igazság Élet Pártja, German Hungarian Truth and Life Party ) is a right-wing political party in Hungary.


The MIEP describes himself as a radical national- conservative, observers assign them to the far right. Your most important political figure was the politician, writer and journalist István Csurka, the excited especially during his playing days as a member of the Hungarian parliament by anti-Semitic remarks repeatedly attention at home and abroad. The party rejects the Treaty of Trianon of 1920 from which the time for Hungary devastating consequences had - up to 30 percent of the Hungarian -speakers today live outside the country's borders and Hungary lost 71 percent of its territory - and therefore demands the re- direction of the Kingdom of Hungary, the Banat, Slovakia and parts of Serbia and Croatia included.

2002 ran unsuccessfully for the post of Csurka Budapest mayor.

The history of the party

The party was founded in 1993 by István Csurka, the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) left with this step. In the parliamentary elections of 1994 honored with 1.6% of the vote, the MIEP was 5.5% in 1998 and was able to form a group for the first time. By 2002 the party was thus represented in the Hungarian parliament. In 2002, the party won no mandate 2006, she stood as a candidate in the parliamentary elections together with the Jobbik party in the coalition " third way" ( Harmadik út ), but could not overcome the mandatory 5 percent threshold for a mandate.

The electoral alliance distanced himself before the elections of them to help the Civic Union ( Fidesz ) under Viktor Orbán 's electoral victory, what a change of power favorable electorate split.

However, parts of MIEP supported Fidesz and were rewarded with positions in cultural life.
