
Hybrid Picking, also called Chicken picking is a technique on the guitar, which has been developed in the mid-twentieth century in the United States of America.

It arose from an attempt to combine the advantages of Fingerstyle ( Highest flexibility in the polyphonic performance) and flat -picking ( loud, powerful and dynamic play chords and melodies) with each other.

In the hybrid -picking though, as the Flat - Picking, held a plectrum between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and used for attaching melodies and bass notes. Unlike the pure flat -picking but additionally middle finger, ring finger, and occasionally the little finger of the right hand is used to strike the strings.

Players who use this technique, can thus play with a pick (instead of the thumb ) and the fingers fingerstyle, but immediately switch for fast and dynamic game of chords and melodies for flat- picking.

It is often used this technique in country music. An example of a hybrid picker in the field of pop music would be Steve Rothery.

  • Guitar playing technique