
Tapered Saftling ( Hygrocybe conica )

The wax caps ( Hygrocybe ) is a fungal genus in the family Schneck Ling relatives. The vitreous due to wax-like meat, they are also referred to as the glass heads. Several species stand out with happy colored fruiting bodies. They usually prefer nutrient-poor sites, which is why they are used as indicator species for the quality assessment of biotopes. All wax caps are in Germany under protection.

The type species is the Taper Saftling ( Hygrocybe conica ).



The species of the genus are usually inhabitants of grasslands, particularly nutrient-poor meadows and pastures, grasslands are populated, some species inhabit upland moors, peat moss or moss. With high probability, the wax caps are Saprobionten, possibly also symbionts with plants. Most species are specialized on nutrient- poor, mostly quite dry habitats fungi that are sensitive to nutrient inputs, intensive grazing and (especially mineral) fertilization and then die at the affected site often.


Kalkliebender felt Saftling Hygrocybe calciphila

Chanterelle Saftling Hygrocybe cantharellus

Fragile Gold Saftling Hygrocybe ceracea

Dull Saftling Hygrocybe chlorophana

Cherry Red Saftling Hygrocybe coccinea

Feinschuppiger moor Saftling Hygrocybe coccineocrenata

Schleimfuß - Saftling Hygrocybe glutinipes

Gray Saftling Hygrocybe irrigata

Tough Saftling Hygrocybe laeta

Nichtrötender nitrate Saftling Hygrocybe nitrata

Rötender Saftling Hygrocybe ovina

Parrot Green Saftling Hygrocybe psitacina

Brick Brown Saftling Hygrocybe perplexa

Largest Saftling Hygrocybe punicea

Honey Saftling Hygrocybe reidii

Magnificent Saftling Hygrocybe splendidissima


The wax caps include about 150 species worldwide, of which occur in Europe around 40. The genus is divided into two subgenera with different sections.

The species of the section Glutinosae are now separated because of other color pigments and new phylogenetic insights into the genus mucus wax caps ( Gliophorus ). Likewise, the Rose Red Saftling was spun in the genus Porpolomopsis. Previously the Ellerlinge were assigned to the juice Lingen as a subgenus Cuphophyllus. However, they now form a separate genus because they are related, despite the similar-looking fruiting bodies did not dwell on the species.

  • Subgenus Hygrocybe section Hygrocybe Rose Red Saftling ( Hygrocybe calyptriformis )
  • Tapered Saftling ( Hygrocybe conica ) Red-leaved dune Saftling ( Hygrocybe conica var conicoides )
  • Dull Saftling ( Hygrocybe chlorophana )
  • Flavescens out Hygrocybe well as a variety of blunt juice Lings
  • Section Coccinae Shiny orange juice Ling ( Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens )
  • Kalkliebender felt Saftling ( Hygrocybe calciphila )
  • Fragile Gold Saftling ( Hygrocybe ceracea )
  • Cherry Red Saftling ( Hygrocybe coccinea)
  • Feinschuppiger moor Saftling ( Hygrocybe coccineocrenata )
  • Small Schnürspor juice Ling ( Hygrocybe constrictospora )
  • Garlic juice Ling ( Hygrocybe helobia )
  • Funnel-shaped or chanterelle Saftling ( Hygrocybe cantharellus or Hygrocybe lepida )
  • Kerbrandiger orange juice Ling ( Hygrocybe marchii )
  • Mennigroter Saftling ( Hygrocybe miniata )
  • Nichtrötender nitrate Saftling ( Hygrocybe murinacea or Hygrocybe nitrata )
  • Schnürsporiger Saftling ( Hygrocybe obrussea )
  • Rötender Saftling ( Hygrocybe nitosaoder Hygrocybe ovina )
  • Schwarzbereifter Saftling ( Hygrocybe phaeococcinea )
  • Garnet Red Saftling ( Hygrocybe punicea )
  • Honey Saftling ( Hygrocybe reidii )
  • Pale Gray Saftling ( Hygrocybe fornicata )
  • Slimy orange juice Ling ( Hygrocybe aurantioviscida )
  • Schleimfuß juice Ling ( Hygrocybe glutinipes )
  • Gelbrandiger Saftling ( Hygrocybe insipida )
  • Gray Saftling ( Hygrocybe irrigata or Hygrocybe unguinosa )
  • Tough Saftling ( Hygrocybe laeta )
  • Yellow yolk Saftling ( Hygrocybe vitellina or Hygrocybe luteolaeta )
  • Parrot Green Saftling ( Hygrocybe psittacina ) Brick Brown Saftling ( Hygrocybe psittacina var perplexa )


All wax caps are in Germany under protection, thus the edible species are not in question as edible mushrooms. The wax caps are in conservation as an important indicator species of importance, they show by their appearance, the presence of valuable, nutrient-poor, largely undisturbed meadows and dry grasslands companies to.


The wax caps are generally residents of nutrient-poor grasslands, through the conversion of grasslands and pastures in nutrient poor profit rich grassland and the input of nutrients from the air or from adjacent agricultural land, many species in Central Europe are endangered. For Danish Saftling occurrence (after Gminder as applicable for Germany ) following meanings classification of Saftling deposit was made: sites with 17 to 32 Saftling species as a whole, while a single control 11 to 20 species of nature conservation of national importance, of regional importance are sites with 9 to 16 (during a commission of 6 to 10 ) species of local importance those with 4-8 ( 3-5 ) species, while sites with only 1-3 species are rather insignificant.

