
As hyperprolactinemia an increase in prolactin levels is referred to in the blood.

  • A benign tumor of the anterior pituitary, called a prolactinoma
  • A functional disinhibition due to reduced dopamine levels in the pituitary gland, such as neuroleptics, dopamine antagonists, metoclopramide, changes in the hypothalamus or the pituitary stalk interruptions
  • A functional stimulation of prolactin in the anterior pituitary, as in a Thyreotropinom, a thyrotropin -producing tumor.
  • Primary hypothyroidism, with an increase of the Thyreoliberin that not only stimulates the production of thyroid stimulating hormone, but also in the anterior pituitary of prolactin
  • As a result of renal failure

Important physiological causes are:

  • Tactile stimulation of the female nipple
  • Pregnancy

In morning measurement, an increased prolactin levels explained if necessary from the circadian rhythm.

Hyperprolactinemia is associated with diverse effects. Among other things, it reduces the libido in both men and women and in men is associated with low testosterone levels.
