I Won't Play

  • Janis Paige: Kim Karol

I Will not Play! is an American short film from 1944, which was produced by Warner Bros. on a story by Laurence Schwab.


During the Second World War, Joe Fingers serves as a Marine. He is stationed with his company on a small South Pacific island, which was captured by the U.S. troops. Fingers maintains his comrades with stories in which he describes himself as an important man in show business. He pretends to be a virtuoso piano player, the other artists paved the way into show business. So he allegedly helped George Gershwin in the composition of Rhapsody in Blue.

So far, his comrades have kept his stories to be true, but the Gershwin episode leaves some doubt. As a piano delivered to the island, they want that finger plays for them. But he refuses. He tells them that he told them the whole time lies. As is a well-known singer for troop entertainment flown to the island and they told the soldiers that they had gone through the finger what it is now, the attitude of the soldiers change.


Gordon Hollingshead won the 1945 Oscar for Best Short Film ( 2 films).


The premiere took place on 11 November 1944.
