Iamb (poetry)

As iambic ( Greek: ἴαμβος ïambos; plural: iambic ) refers to a metrical foot in which a "light" followed by a "heavy" syllable.

  • In the metric accent, which differs according to syllabic stress, it means that on an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed ( x ' x).
  • In the quantitierenden metric, which goes back to ancient times, says the iambic metrical foot that a short syllable followed by a long ( υ - ).

Iambic verses the accent metrics based solely on the iambic metrical foot. To seal iambic verses in quantitierender metric of iambic metrical foot but usually is not sufficient.

The counterpart to the iambic is the trochee. The word iambic ( first syllable stressed ) is itself a trochee.
