Iberian Federalism

As Paniberismus or Panhispanismus three different policies are referred to interchangeably:

  • The Hispanidad ( Hispanic Heritage, Spaniertum ), a special support of Spain's dictator Franco cooperation of Latin American countries (excluding Brazil) with Spain.
  • Iberoamerikanismus or Hispanoamerikanismus, a special form of Pan-Americanism, which the union of the Latin American, sometimes the non-Spanish and Portuguese States themselves, taking cue from Spain and Portugal, but excluding the U.S. and Anglo America, in contrast to the U.S. Pan-Americanism, then, see Latin American summit.
  • The Iberian unionism or Iberismus, a move that particularly 1870-74 the merger, only Spain and Portugal under a royal personal union (as already 1580-1640 ) sought, but was already kicked off in 1820 as a movement for a federal republic in appearance, see also Liberal revolution in Portugal. Under Spain's dictator Primo de Rivera and Franco and Salazar and Caetano Portugal dictators the Republican opposition aimed at the overthrow of both and the Iberian unit, according to the actual time the same end of both dictatorships 1974/75, the idea came for a short time again.


The desire for merger of the former Spanish colonies in Latin America or South America, at least among themselves had come up almost immediately after the hard-won independence, as Simon Bolivar had the " United States " sought, not unlike the later pan-Arabism. After the final defeat of Spain in the Spanish- American War, North sat back a sense of "racial " and cultural ties Hispanidad a (La Raza Hispanica ). This counter-movement to the U.S. Pan-Americanism was chiefly driven by Argentina, where since 1917 the Día de la Hispanidad (Day of Hispanic Heritage ) is celebrated.

To this day, this day of discovery of America by Columbus, October 12, national holiday in Spain, as Día de la Raza (Day of race) but also an official holiday in some Latin American States. With the emphasis and idealization of the Latin race instead of Spaniertums Latin America aims to cultural emancipation against Spain, see also Panlatinismus

But the main obstacle against the Paniberismus is the resistance of the United States, but especially the Spanish- Portuguese and the Argentine- Brazilian contrast, since Brazil both as a leader of a South American unity movement (eg Mercosur ) and, ( together with Portugal ), within the CPLP ( Community Portuguese -speaking countries) looks.
