Ibn Bassam

Abū ʿ Alī ibn Ḥasan l' Bassam aš - SANTARINI (Arabic: أبو الحسن علي بن بسام الشنتريني ), called Ibn Bassam ( * before 1084 in Santarém, Portugal today, † 1147/48 (542 H. ) ) was an Islamic historian and poet in Al -Andalus.

Ibn Bassam arisen 1106-1111 main work is in rhyme written during the Almoravid period AD Ḏaḫīra fī Mahasin ahl al- ǧazīra (, Treasury of the achievements of the people of the [ Iberian ] island '), one of the most important sources on the history, literature and culture at the time of Muluk aṭ - Ṭawā'if ( Taifa kingdoms ). The ad Ḏaḫīra is the main source for the lost al - Matin of Ibn Hayyan, they, in addition to the written in rhyme letters of the Andalusian potentates, page by page reproduces.

The orientalist Reinhart Dozy based his story of the Moors in Spain ( 1861) partly on Ibn Bassam's representation.
