id Tech

Id Tech is an influential family of computer game engines of the eponymous producer id Software.

"Id Tech" is the original internal name of id Software; outside are better known as Doom engine Quake engine or the engines. On the engines of the series is based a large number ( more than 50) of games and derived engines, particularly aware of the Games of the Doom and Quake series. The significant GoldSrc engine (also known as "Half-Life Engine" ) is based on the code id Tech series. The current generation is id Tech 5, id Tech 6 is in development. The first three generations of the software have been released by the manufacturer as free software under the GNU General Public License ( GPL).

The first release of a game based on a series of engine was the was from Doom in 1993. Predecessor the Wolfenstein 3D engine, which was not yet running under the name "id Tech". The first generation offered no fully satisfying three-dimensionally rendered environment (no or limited movement of the viewing direction on the y -axis).

The id Tech 2 engine was originally called Quake 2 engine, the id Tech 3 engine Quake 3 Engine and the id Tech 4 engine Doom 3 engine.
