IgriÈ™ Abbey

Daughter monasteries

Monastery candle, present (1202 ) Monastery Vérteskeresztúr ( 1214 )

The monastery Igris (Hungarian Egres; German Egresch ) is a former Cistercian abbey and in today's Romania. It was in the village Igris in the church today Sânpetru Mare about halfway between Szeged in Hungary and Arad on the left bank of the river Mures and about 10 km northeast of Sânnicolau Mare.


The monastery was founded at the instigation of Agnes de Châtillon, was the first wife of the Hungarian king Béla III. , Founded in 1179 as a daughter house of the Abbey Primary Pontigny. From Igris the daughter -ups Kerz went to Transylvania (1202 ) and monastery Vérteskeresztúr out in Hungary ( 1214 ). 1235 in the monastery of King Andrew II of Hungary was laid to rest. The monastery was destroyed during the Mongol invasion in 1242, but was later rebuilt. In 1526 the Turks in the time completely destroyed and united with the diocese Csanád monastery came to an end.
