Il pulcino pio

Il pulcino pio is a song by the Italian radio station Radio Globo, which was in 2012 a nationwide summer hit.



In the 80s, the Brazilian Silva wrote Erisvaldo As the children's song O Pintinho Piu. The song is structured similarly to the well-known children's song Old MacDonald 's got a Farm: The first stanza is about the little chicks ( Pintinho ), which makes " piu " (beep ). In each following verse there is another animal with the corresponding sound ( a clucking hen, a rooster crowing, etc.) and all previous animals are called again, so that the verses are getting longer. In the late 2000s, the Internet platform YouTube became popular, even videos have been uploaded by this song. It created a lot of videos that have become a cut together from images. On the other hand, people set the song on stage or in pantomime front of the camera represents a eleven year old boy whose video was clicked 2011, several million times, was even invited on TV. Other videos brought it over the one million mark. Here, the original song was also changed lyrically. And in addition to the slower original was a hochgepitchte fast version.

Il pulcino pio

The local radio station Radio Globo based in Rome had already in 2011 with a song to the Roman Ostia Beach a success: Two presenters sang it to the tune of Mr. Saxobeat.

The following year she took before Pintinho O Piu. They secured the rights to the song and created an on-site Italian version. The first stanza is about the chick on the radio that makes beeping. The following is a clucking hen ( la gallina co), a crowing cock ( il gallo corococò ), a Clucking turkey ( il tacchino glu glu glu ), a cooing dove ( il piccione tru ), a mewing cat ( il gatto miao ), a barking dog ( il cane bau bau ), a mowing goat ( capra la meee ), a bleating lamb ( l' agnello bee ), a mooing cow ( moo la mucca ) and a roaring bull ( il toro muu ). When Pointe comes in Il pulcino pio at the end of a droning tractor ( il trattore bruum ), which runs over the chick.

The presenter and actress Morgana Giovannetti from the morning show of Radio Globo played the version in the fast variant. For this purpose, the transmitter was a video animation in order, which was set in May 2012 on YouTube. Within three months the video was called nearly six million copies. In addition, many private parodies that also achieved high traffic originated. On July 18, the song was released as a download and reached within two weeks at No. 2 and after a further three weeks at No. 1 of the Italian charts. Eight weeks subsequently held the top chart and has sold over 60 000 times (download sales). The YouTube Views risen to more than 25 million.

After many were unhappy with the end of the plug, nor was a second version with the title La Vendetta, in which the chicks makes in each stanza in a different way fit. And as appears at the end of the tractor pulls the chicks boxing gloves on, giving the vehicle a blow on the hood and this stretches then the four wheels by itself.

Other international versions

Towards the end of Radio Globo published the song in several other languages ​​with the same content. The French version of Le poussin piou, the Spanish version El pollito pio and the Dutch version Het kuikentje beep made ​​it into the respective single charts. There were versions in Greek ( Poulaki Tsiou / Το Πουλλούι Τσίου ), English ( The Little Chick Cheep ), Catalan (El pollet Piu ) and Romanian ( Puiul piu ). End of January 2013, a German version published with the title The Little Chicks beeps that could be placed in Germany and Austria in the charts.

Song data

  • O Pintinho (also Pintinho O Piu; Author: Erisvaldo da Silva )
  • Il pulcino pio (music: Erisvaldo da Silva, Text: Bruno Benvenuti, Lucio Scarpa, Alessandro Tirocchi, Maurizio Paniconi, Morgana Giovannetti; Artist: Morgana Giovannetti )
  • El pollet piu (music: Erisvaldo da Silva, Text: Marco Fernando Fuentes, Bruno Benvenuti, Massimiliano Moroldo )
  • The little chick beeps (music: Erisvaldo da Silva, text: Massimiliano Moroldo, Bruno Benvenuti )


  • PIO, il pulcino Tormentone. La canzone e il ballo dell'estate 2012 Alessandro Alicandri, July 30, 2012 ( Italian)
  • Song 2012
  • Music ( Italy)
  • Number -one hit