
The Musculus iliocostalis (Latin for " iliac rib-muscle ") is a skeletal muscle, which is part of the intrinsic back muscles. It is located above the transverse extensions ( epaxial ) and the side of the musculus longissimus.

The Musculus iliocostalis serves as the rest epaxiale muscles, as trapeze bar and stabilizer of the spine, which is often called the musculus erector spinae ( " erector spine "). It is located in the lateral tract of the erector spinae, is there to sacrospinous system. In unilateral contraction of this muscle pair, the spine is bent sideways.

We differentiate between lumbar, thoracic and cervical part:

  • Lumbar part (musculus iliocostalis lumborum ) originates on the intestinal ( labium externum iliac cristae ) and sacral ( sacrum ) and extends to the rib extensions ( costal processes ) of the upper lumbar vertebrae and the 6th - 9th Rib.
  • Chest piece (musculus iliocostalis thoracis ) originates on the lower ribs and ends at the upper ribs
  • Neck (musculus iliocostalis cervicis ) entspring of the 6th - 3rd Rib and fitted to the transverse processes ( posterior tubercle of the transverse process ) of the 6th - 4th Cervical vertebrae, to domestic animals only 7 cervical vertebrae.

In pigs and horses musculus iliocostalis is fused with the longissimus.
