Ilya Ilf

Ilya Ilf Arnoldovich (Russian Илья Арнольдович Ильф, actually Iechiel body Fainsilberg (Russian Иехиел Лейб Файнзильберг ) * 3 Oktoberjul / October 15 1897greg in Odessa, .. † April 13, 1937 in Moscow) was a Russian- Soviet writer. His stage name is derived from Ilf his real name Iechiel body Fainsilberg.


Ilya Ilf was born in 1897 into a Jewish family in Odessa. He worked with Yevgeny Petrov (1903-1942) Since 1927 for satirical newspapers. Both were famous for their as Ilf and Petrov jointly authored novels " The Twelve Chairs " and " The Golden Calf ", in which the cunning scammers Ostap Bender is the main character. How Petrov later in his "Memories of Ilf " described, Ilya Ilf told him during a joint cemetery visit on their trip to the USA from his tuberculosis from which he died in Moscow in 1937.

Works of the duo Ilf and Petrov

  • Двенадцать стульев. Novel. 1928 ( German: Twelve Chairs; numerous films, including Thirteen Chairs ).
  • Светлая личность. Narrative. 1928 ( German: light shape).
  • 1001 день, или Новая Шахерезада. Cycle of satirical short stories. 1929 ( German: Thousand and one day or the new Scheherazade ).
  • Необыкновенные истории из жизни города Колоколамска. Cycle of satirical short stories. 1929 ( German: Extraordinary Stories from the life of the city Radbrech ).
  • Золотой телёнок. Novel. 1931 ( German: The golden calf or The Hunt for the million ).
  • Одноэтажная Америка. Travel diary. 1936 ( German: One-storey America).
  • Тоня. Amendment. 1937 ( German: hunting ground ).

German editions (selection)

  • Relationships are everything. Stories and feature articles. Verlag Volk und Welt, Berlin 1981.
  • The golden calf or The Hunt for the million. Fischer -Taschenbuch, 1988, ISBN 3-596-28263-2 .. Re: translated by Thomas Reschke: The Other library, Berlin, 2013, ISBN 978-3-8477-0340-2.