Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets (Russian Илья Муромец = Ilja from Murom ) is a heroic figure of the Kiev Round Table. He is regarded as the most famous Bogatyr.

According to legend, Ilya Muromets was born the son of a farmer in Karachay near the city of Murom. During his childhood, he should be often been ill and was paralyzed until his age of 33, when he was miraculously healed by two pilgrims by the administration of Met- Trunkes. From a dying knight named Svyatogor he received his supernatural power. He freed the occupied city of Kiev and Chernigov defended against the Tartars. His horse was able to speak with a human voice.

His exploits were celebrated in several byliny:

  • Three -way intersection
  • Capture the robber nightingale in the Bryansk Forest
  • Tatar army is encouraged to reflect on his honor
  • Escape from the dungeon of a princess
  • Lesson about moderation in eating and drinking
  • Outwitting the devil / demon
  • Lesson on the nullity of wealth
  • The dispute with the Prince Vladimir
  • Liberation of the city of Chernihiv a Tatar army

He is the only mythical figure who was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. His remains rest in the alleged mummified Asketenhöhlen in Kiev Pechersk Lavra and can be visited there.

The Third Symphony in B minor, Op 42 (1911 ) by Reinhold Gliere Moritzewitsch has the exploits of Ilya Muromets of the program.

After this heroic figure of the first four-engined bombers of Russia of 1914 was named. The Sikorsky Ilya Muromets was designed by the aircraft designer Igor Ivanovich Sikorski.

Mosfilm produced the 1956 film Ilya Muromets from a screenplay by Mikhail Kochnjew. Directed by Alexander Ptuschko. Performers were as Boris Andreyev, Nelli Myshkova, Andrei Abrikossow.
