Im Wartesaal zum großen Glück

In the waiting room to the great happiness of the first German contribution to the Gran Premio della Canzone € Visione Europea was (former name for the Euro Vision Song Contest) on 24 May 1956 in Lugano. The song originated from Walter Andreas Schwarz, who presented the song as the first German post.


The song tells the story of the people who wait daily on the great happiness while living in the here and now forgotten. The song was released along with the song for 300 francs from the record company Ariola. This song was recited speaking more than singing.

German decision and does Eurovion Song Contest

The preliminary round was held on 1 May 1956 in Cologne and was moderated by Heinz Piper. In addition to Walter Andreas Schwarz also could Freddy Quinn ( how it is every night) qualify for the competition, as the first Euro Vision Song Contest two songs per country were allowed.

However, the ARD is on her official page on the assumption that no preliminary decision had taken place, since none of the participants could recall such an event. The broadcast of the preliminary decision, however, was printed in the TV magazines.

On 24 May 1956, the song with the number 4 was the first German contribution to the Euro Vision Song Contest. It is unclear what position could reach the song, since only the winning song chorus of Lys Assia was announced and the remaining results were not published. The evaluation documents were destroyed, but the rumor has it that this song could have reached the 2nd place. On the website of ARD this song like every other song of the 13th space is allocated.
