Imamiya Shrine

The Imamiya Shrine (Japanese今 宫 神社, Imamiya -jinja ) is a Shinto shrine in the district Murasakino in the district of Kita- ku the Japanese city of Kyoto.

The shrine complex is situated in a grove of large trees northwest of the Temple Daitokuji. It consists of the main hall ( dogs ) and several ancillary shrines.

The revered deities ( kami ) are:

  • Onamuchi no mikoto
  • Kotoshironushi no mikoto
  • Kushinadahime no mikoto

In addition to a shrine Susanoo no mikoto is worshiped.


The shrine said to have been founded even before the establishment of the imperial palace in the year 794 in Heian - kyō, such as Kyoto was then known.

994 the shrine was laid in a mikoshi, a portable Shinto shrine (or litter ) in which the kami means incorporated Shintai ("God Body " ) travel.

The Shrine 1001 was again transferred to the Murasakino area in the north of the imperial city, after there had occurred an epidemic. Now the shrine Imamiya " of present shrine was; called new shrine ". Most of the present buildings were rebuilt in 1902.

Yasurai Matsuri

The shrine is famous for its shrine festival ( Matsuri ) Yasurai Matsuri (夜 须 礼 祭), held on the second Sunday in April. It is one of the three most important Matsuri in Kyoto. In this shrine festival young men dance in costume from Oni. Oni are mostly ugly figures with long red or black hair. In the earliest legends of Oni were good-natured beings who were able to ward off evil spirits and to punish wrongdoers. The Oni of Yasurai Matsuri to drive away evil spirits, who drove the Kami of health from the shrine, so that again for the rest of the year health guarantee for the district. They are wearing red robes and black or red wigs with long, shaggy hair. The young men pass through the district and dance to flutes and drums until they fall into a kind of trance.

The conclusion of the Matsuri forms of dance before the Honden. This should be done easily in the shrine to the deities of the shrine of re-entry.

Two other cry festivals are also among the attractions of the shrine: On 8 and 9 October, the traditional Zeremonialtänze Azuma - asobi are listed. On May 5, the portable shrines ( mikoshi ), which are among the largest and heaviest of the old imperial city of Kyoto are carried through the streets.
