IMSAI 8080

The IMSAI 8080 microcomputer, manufactured since 1975 by the U.S. Company Information Management Science Associates, Inc. S-100 bus -based computer that is compatible with ( later the company was renamed IMSAI Manufacturing Corp.. ) Was an early Intel 8080, its strongest competitor, the MITS Altair 8800, was.

Since the IMSAI was compatible with the Altair 8800 to 100 %, corresponding to the technical details of this computer. In contrast to the MITS computer IMSAI had a different design (large red and blue switch), and a stronger power supply. The IMSAI used a heavily modified version of the operating system CP / M with the name IMDOS.

The price of the kit was initially U.S. $ 439, but was increased to $ 499 due to popular demand. Between 1975 and 1979 around 17000-20000 units were produced.


In May 1972, William Millard started the business from his private apartment. In 1973 he founded IMS Associates, Inc. and completed a number of software contracts. 1974 there was a major contract with General Motors, the (partly with hard drives) ordered several workstations with peripherals. At this time the new Intel was announced 8080, before there was the very simple Intel 4004 processor. On December 16, 1975, the first IMSAI -8080 kits were delivered.

In October 1979, IMSAI filed for bankruptcy. The brand name IMSAI was sold to the Fisher - Freitas Co..


A IMSAI 8080 used the main character David L. Lightman in the movie WarGames - War Games from the year 1983.
