In coena Domini

In coena Domini (Latin for, when supper of the Lord ') was a between 1363 and 1770 repeatedly published papal bull. The oldest known text is from the period around 1229 by Pope Gregory IX. come. The bull is a collection of papal Exkommunikationssentenzen and threats of punishment and is therefore also called a bull of excommunication. The church disapproved therein expressly heresies, schisms, sacrilege, violations of papal and ecclesiastical privileges, attacks upon the physical integrity and property of the clergy, piracy, counterfeiting and other crimes or offenses. The bull was always replenished; around 1627 it was adopted in final form by Pope Urban VIII, in 1770 abrogated by Pope Clement XIV.

Reading and content

The repeatedly amended and revised by Popes Gregory IX bull. was read every year on Holy Thursday or on Easter Monday. On the evening of Holy Thursday Mass is celebrated the Last Supper and reminded of the institution of the Eucharist, the commandment of charity and of the ordained priesthood in all Roman Catholic churches. For this reason, came for this bull also the nickname "The Last Supper bull" or " Nachtmahlsbulle " on.

The main offenses for which, in In coena Domini excommunication was threatened are:

  • Apostasy, heresy and schism
  • Complaints about the Pope before a general council
  • Piracy in papal waters as well as the looting of damaged ships there and the application of jetsam and tossed overboard charge
  • Introduction of new fees and taxes or increase, if it had not been previously allowed by the Holy See of existing
  • Forgery or falsification of apostolic letters and papal bulls
  • Supplies of arms, ammunition or war materials important to Saracens, Turks and other enemies of Christianity
  • Obstacles to the export of food and other goods to and from the Roman Curia
  • Of travelers on the way to Curia cardinals, papal legate, Nuncios etc. perpetrated acts of violence as well as violence committed against those who were involved in the affairs of the Curia
  • Reference spiritual disputes of church courts to secular courts, the subjection of ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the dishes which consist of lay people, as well as the harassment of church judges


Since numerous heads of state in Europe felt this bull as an intrusion into their government affairs and justice, it came soon to upsets. Some bishops had little success with their protests, but also began the European royal houses to express their displeasure, first in Venice, then in France. In the 18th century brought the Bourbon courts, and Empress Maria Theresa of Austria was in their states to stop the reading of the bull. Pope Clement XIV strove for reconciliation with the Bourbon courts and picked up in coena Domini 1770. This, Emperor Joseph II as an opportunity to let rip out the text of the bull from all ritual books.

1521 Martin Luther was identified by name in In coena Domini as a heretic. Luther translated the first time the bull, you added a preface in and provided them with several glosses and gave to them Pope Leo X as a "New Year gift". The font made ​​of him was titled: The bulla of the evening eating the most holy lord the pope, the holy roman chair for the new year. His mouth is full of cursing, Trügens and avarice, under his tongue is toil and trouble.

Single notes
