Ingá, Paraíba

Ingá on the map of Brazil

Ingá is a Municipio in the Brazilian state of Paraíba. 2011 Ingá had 18,234 inhabitants in an area of 288 km ².


Some historians believe that the name of locality Ingá has its origin in the Tupi- Guarani languages ​​and full of water means. The administrative management began with the creation of the district of Vila do Imperador ( town of the emperor) by the provincial law ( lei provincial ) No. 2 by the Provincial Law No. 3 of 23 May 1846, the city was renamed in Ingá.

The Comarca of Ingá was founded on 10 April 1940.


Ingá borders the Municipalities Mogeiro, Itatuba, Fagundes, Riachão do Bacamarte, Serra Redonda, Juarez Távora and Campina Grande.

The city is located in a semi-arid area, which Integração Nacional da defined in 2005 by the Ministério.


Ingá is particularly important for the Pedra do Ingá known, a rock with inscriptions that may have been made ​​by the indigenous people long before Europeans reached the continent. Researchers have not yet been able to decipher the meaning.

Population Development
