Injection lipolysis

The fat away injection is a method for treating small to medium fat deposits on the body and face without surgical intervention. The method is also used to treat bags under the eyes. For the treatment of cellulite is a special form of fat away injection, the " fine-needle intervention " is used.

By applying the grease away injection scope reductions are possible from 2-4 cm in the treated areas of the body. The effectiveness of this method of treatment was confirmed in a 2005 study. Is a long -range effect desired, this can be achieved by means of a liposuction. The fat away injection does not constitute adequate alternative to liposuction


After local disinfection and anesthesia of the areas to be treated (outer diameter 28-33 G, length 6-12 mm ) is injected the active ingredient Phosphatidylcholine by means of thin needles. This product of the soybean oil agent causes the fatty tissue is degraded and eliminated naturally.

The treatment may be performed on an outpatient basis. As side effects temporary swelling for 2-3 days, redness and pain and rarely bruising may occur. Approximately 5% of patients do not respond to the drug and a further 10-15 % only reduced to.

FDA ban

The method is advised because of the potential side effects in the crossfire of criticism. The used chemical agents ( phosphatidylcholine) are not approved for this use and therefore provide an " off- label use " represents the method is prohibited in some countries.
