Inland island

A single island is one in inland waters, that is usually in a river or lake, lying island.

Several inland islands spatially close to each other can form a single archipelago.


Inland islands in a stream ( a river or stream ) are mostly called river island. Accordingly, inland islands in a pond (like a lake or reservoir) usually referred to as a lake island.

Numerous, located approximately in the Rhine river islands are called value. Other regional names for this are Warder, Expectant, Werder and Wörth.


Some of the most famous inland islands in Lake Constance Germany are the islands of Mainau, Reichenau and Lindau.

An example of a single group of islands are the Borromean Islands in Lake Maggiore.

Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron is one in Canada. It is equipped with 2766 km ² the largest located in a lake island in the world.

Ilha do Bananal is a river island in the course of the Rio Araguaia in Brazil. It is about 350 kilometers long, up to 55 kilometers wide and has an area of ​​19,162 km ². It is regarded as either a maximum or after the Ilha de Marajó second largest river island in the world, depending on whether the partially located on the Atlantic Ilha de Marajó considered pure river island or not.

The largest island of Namibia is a river island, namely Impalila Iceland in the Zambezi.

Even in rivers, there are inland island groups, such as the Baboon Islands and the Hai Kai Islands in The Gambia.

There are even islands in lakes, which in turn are located on an island, for example Motu Lahi in volcanic Vai Sii on the island Niuafoou in the South Pacific.

Pictures of Inland island
