Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux

The Institut d' études politiques de Bordeaux (IEP de Bordeaux), which is also known as " Sciences Po Bordeaux ", was founded in 1948 and belongs to the elite French university system of the Grande École. It is located on the university campus of Pessac, eight kilometers from the center of Bordeaux and is institutionally connected with the University Montesquieu- Bourdeaux IV. It is one of nine Institut d' études politiques in France.

The Institute was founded on May 4, 1948. Maurice Duverger was the first President and other notable people such as Jacques Ellul and Catherine Lalumière were professors. Since June 2007, Vincent Hoffmann- Martinot president of the institute.




Admission is by a Concours, which shows a success rate of only 6%, hence the Sciences Po Bordeaux is highly selective. The entrance tests consist of a " thesis" about a current issue, a written examination in history and geography, and language tests. If you already have a Classe préparatoire visited vary the requirements and the type of tests, ie Exams in law, economics and political science.

Basic Studies

The studies at Sciences Po Bordeaux lasts five years. The first and the third year form the foundation course. The students are to receive a very large base of knowledge. Consequently, the students in the first and third year, but taught in Political and Social Sciences especially in law and economics. In addition, in history, international relations and geography. Furthermore, the learning of two foreign languages ​​as well as a sports course is mandatory. A special feature is the subject of " culture générale " that in which the students education is taught.

The teaching is based on two formats: The lectures and the " de Conférences method " which are organiert such as seminars. Each semester, students have approximately 8-11 lectures and five Conférences. The lectures are completed through written examinations, the Conférences however, take considerably more work by means of papers, research papers, exams and oral exams.

Year abroad

The second year is a compulsory year abroad, during which the students can choose between the rich offer of partner schools around the world. The Sciences Po Bordeaux maintains with about 130 universities contracts for the exchange of students, including many German universities such as the University of Stuttgart, University of Potsdam, University of Bremen, University of Marburg, Trier University and the University of Hamburg

Master Studies / Graduate Program

After the third year, students choose a Master, which takes two years to specialize. After successful completion of the course the students with the diploma of Sciences Po Bordeaux and a Master is awarded.

The Sciences Po Bordeaux offers Master with various specializations in:

  • Administration et gestion publique (AGP ), ( Public Administration and Management)
  • Politique, société et communication (PSC ), ( politics, society and communication)
  • International Studies (EI ), ( International Studies )
  • Gestion des entreprises et des organizational (GEO). (Management of companies and organizations)

In the fifth year of the selected master is fanned out into other specializations and internships are completed. Here, you can choose among 29 different master specializations. According to information of Sciences Po Bordeaux there are more than one hundred students each year the entrance examinations for posts in the high French state administration, including the prestigious University of the administrative elite École nationale d'administration. The preparation for this highly selective tests carried out in the Institute's preparation center that displays one of the highest success rates in France for many years.

Dual Master's degrees

Other features include integrated study in which students study two years at the partner university, and two years at Sciences Po Bordeaux and get two degrees. Such programs exist with the University of Stuttgart, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, University of Cardiff, University of Coimbra and the University of Turin. Furthermore, double degrees exist with universities in Moscow, Canada and Washington State University.

With one of the largest French daily newspapers, the Sud -Ouest organizes the Sciences Po Bordeaux lectures by well-known Persönlichenkeiten. Approximately ten such events are held each year. Were invited so far as French Prime Minister Alain Juppe and Lionel Jospin, Prime as Valérie Pécresse, Political figures such as Carla Del Ponte, Dominique Strauss- Kahn, Ségolène Royal or the Dalai Lama, as well as filmmakers such as Bertrand Tavernier. Also known German personalities, including Joschka Fischer, have already been won for a lecture.

Special Chairs

Since 2009, Sciences Po Bordeaux pursues an opening which will be donated by the private sector or other institutions with regard to chairs ( chaire ). DC in 2009 four new chairs could be inaugurated. Thus, new teachers were recruited for the " Chaire Vergniaud " for research on Territorial Steurungssysteme and the " Chaire Michel Vaisan " for research on Israeli politics and society. In addition, the " Chaire d'excellence Tocqueville -Fulbright ", a special, donated by the Fulbright Commission Chair for Research in the Policy Analysis of the U.S. box, and the " Chaire Jean Zay " exists for the study of secularism in modern societies.

In addition, every year professors or individuals from business and politics will be invited to give a lecture for a semester. These so-called " cours d' ouverture " can be freely chosen by the student in addition to the required courses. A tradition is the lecture by former prime minister Alain Juppe on globalization, it offers for several years.

Student Initiatives

At Sciences Po Bordeaux, there are numerous " Associations", in which students are involved alongside their studies for specific topics. The " Bureau of élèves " is the largest organization which parties, galas and cultural activities planned. In addition, there is the " Bureau des arts ", which is planning mainly to cultural events such as exhibitions or concerts. " Erasmix " is an organization which was founded for the integration of exchange students and today mainly planning field trips, parties and cultural activities to bring together exchange students and French students. Many other organizations are concerned with political and economic issues ( "Entrepreneurship Ensemble ", " Jeunes Européens " ), but there are, for example, an organization for oenology.
