Institut français d'opinion publique

The Institut français d' opinion publique ( FIFG ) is a 1938 French founded opinion and market research institute with headquarters in Paris.


Ifop is a pioneer and leader in the French market of public opinion polls and market research. Jean Stoetzel, a professor of social psychology at the Sorbonne founded on December 1, 1938, the Company. The first polls were published in the journal sondage (surveys) in the summer of 1939. After the publication of opinion polls by the censors banned.

In September 1944, the first study of the post-war period with questions about the FFI and the role of the Resistance. First time in 1956, a computer was ( a coupled IBM 704 ) was used for counting and processing of the measured data for factor analysis. 1973 were carried out in cooperation with RTL half-hour congestion forecasts by questioning the driver holidays. Ifop introduced in 1983 for the first time in local elections an exit poll by.
