Insular area

The outer areas of the United States ( officially the outer areas under the jurisdiction of the United States of America, English Insular Areas of the United States ) is a collective term for the following archipelagos and islands, broken down by location ( Caribbean and Pacific):


Also in the Caribbean, Cuba, is an American base in the southern part of Guantánamo Bay, the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

Pacific Ocean

The former British-American condominium Canton and Enderbury, which consisted of the atolls Canton and Enderbury in the northeast of the Phoenix Islands, was on July 12, 1979, the date of independence of the State of Kiribati, part of this new island state.


The residents of U.S. foreign territories have no right to vote at the federal level, but choose partially in the primaries for the presidential delegates, even if they can not participate in the actual election.
