
Fundamentalism ( rare: integrism ) refers to a modern world view, which focuses on a religiously motivated interpretation of the complex reality of life for present civilization is.

Word Meaning

The term derives from the Latin integratio ( a whole are established). The suffix -ism that is indicative of a lesson. some might want the addition in line with regeneration or renouveau catholique the importance of restoring a previous wholeness give. In some languages, fundamentalism refers to the religious-political fundamentalism. Therefore, the political use of words stirred in connection with fascism; specifically for a Brazilian right-wing movement ( Ação Integra Lista Brasileira ).

Fundamentalism in the church

Derived from the French intégrisme, was with the German word fundamentalism, especially in the first half of the 20th century, whose critics called the mindset that ecclesial forces the defensive struggle of the papacy in the early 20th century against modernism - 1910 led Pope Pius X a the anti-modernist oath; only In 1967 Pope Paul VI. it off again - wanted to continue. The most zealous anti- modernists called themselves catholiques integraux ( holistic Catholics ). The movement was nourished also from a discomfort with the decadence of the ' fin de siècle ', against the general growth of wealth ( consumer society, materialism ), against the rapid technical progress and to rapid changes in society ( " secularism ").

In an official church document, the term fundamentalism emerged in 1947 probably the first time when Cardinal Emmanuel Suhard (Paris ) warned in his newsletter Essor déclin ou de l'Eglise, " L' essor exigeait d' exclure deux opinions unilateral, antagonistes et contradictoires - le modernisme et l' intégrisme -. pour tracer une voie medians seul orthodox " (Circular ' recovery or decline of the church ' - " The upswing requires it to exclude two -sided, contradictory and conflicting opinions, modernism and fundamentalism to a mediating, alone orthodox path to choose. " ) The fundamentalism was understood as an antonym to modernism and therefore remained unclear in its definition.

Pope John Paul II called in 1980, during a trip to Paris and Lisieux, in an address to French bishops on June 1, 1980, again, two tendencies, which he saw as misinterpretations of the Catholic faith: " Il s'agit ici de deux tendances bienconnues; le progressisme et l' intégrisme. " ( " These are two well-known trends, progressivism and fundamentalism. " ) Also, in an address to the Jesuits on February 27, 1982 John Paul II at the same time warned against progressivism and fundamentalism. Finally, the term in a brief papal opinion on the European Constitution project of 16 February 2003 relating to a political context occurs now. John Paul II warns of ideological secularism and sectarian fundamentalism. Already Oswald von Nell- Breuning modernism and fundamentalism as two implementations of the same denial of the supernatural character of the Church had called.

Today, the word fundamentalism in ecclesiastical parlance, in a strict sense, the attitude of particularly strict followers of the Catholic tradition. These reject the Pope John XXIII. initiated Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) wholly or partly from, because the council have replaced the defensive struggle against modernist tendencies by an indifferent attitude. Thus, the " Conciliar Church " issued (designation according to a quote from Archbishop Benelli ) in opposition to the true Catholic religion.

The representatives of fundamentalism justify their position by emphasizing the continuity of certain expressions of the Church's Magisterium, especially of the 19th century, with the tradition of the " Church of all times ". In particular, the sets 15-18 and 77-80 of the papal Syllabus Errorum of 1864 and the anti-modern tendency of the encyclical of 1907 Pascendi serve them as a floor plan of a Catholic belief, their anti-liberal, anti-democratic and anti-ecumenical trains as the unchanging revealed truth be interpreted belonging.

See also: Catholic traditionalism

Fundamentalism in politics

Main article: Integral nationalism

The philosophical roots of political fundamentalism formulated especially Charles Maurras. On the German side Carl Schmitt designed similar thoughts. The Integralism designs a Catholicism in which the spiritual leadership of the papacy and the Church also includes a responsibility for the final decision of all but ecclesiastical matters. In this totality, the papacy itself has never defined his claim. The mainly by the anti-Republican Action Française (the mastermind Maurras was ) made ​​modern reinterpretation of the papacy of Pius X has already been sentenced in 1914, although the anathemas until 1926 by Pope Pius XI. Than political principle of Romanité were announced and completed.
