
Integrity is an ethical requirement of philosophical humanism, namely as far as possible by agreement between their own ideals and values ​​and the actual practice of life.

Personal Integrity

Personal integrity is continually maintained compliance of the personal system of values ​​with one's own actions. Basis of the value system is a religious, political or humanist-based ethics. An honest man lives in the consciousness that express his personal beliefs, standards and values ​​in his behavior. Personal integrity has been identified as loyalty to himself. Unlike integer corruptible means a person who is guided by others in their behavior not by their own values ​​and principles, but of threats and / or enticements.

The term "integrity" is complex and multifaceted. Integrity is something for which a person on the one hand is responsible. On the other hand, depends on integrity and the behavior of others and of the social conditions of life. The term is used especially when it should be pointed out that a person's personality, his wholeness and integrity is a fragile, and must be protected against external attacks. In addition to this use, there is a second meaning direction. The statement about single people - whether they are "integer" - means that these people " incorruptible " and that " solid, deep-rooted, they essentially contemporary values ​​" adhered to which they of which they could not be dissuaded permanently and circumstances.

Integrity in the workplace

Thus, their reputation will not be damaged in the public sphere, including corporations, financial institutions and public institutions should ensure that the persons employed by them "integer" are. There are social and professional positions where a suspected lack of integrity of the holder can already lead to its suspension, as the confidence that people of integrity often enjoy, may be already provided by a pronounced suspicion in question.

In the aptitude testing the world of work it is assumed that a lack of integrity of an employee, if he is a permanent establishment contrary to the objectives of the ongoing misconduct.

Integrity in psychology

The psychologist and Neofreudianer Erik Erikson uses the term integrity to denote the last period of his life psychosocial stage model. The designated by him with integrity versus despair or Lebensekel phase of mature and late adulthood requires a so-called developmental task of the human being in his second half of life to come to terms with the inevitability of death. Only an authentic, 'innate values ​​corresponding integrity of life, allowing for the review of the own biography without bitterness, can therefore take " the death of the sting " and seek true wisdom.
