International Conference on Climate Change

The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change ( NIPCC, International Non-Governmental Panel on Climate Change ) is an institution founded by Fred Singer and largely virtual, which spreads as a supposedly independent furnishing information to the IPCC of the United Nations.

The NIPCC was founded in 2004 until 2007, however, there were no significant business activities. The NIPCC is closely bound by Singer to the neo-conservative Heartland Institute.


In a 2009 study published by the NIPCC the authors of the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC are accused of serious deficiencies in the drafting. The study criticizes the following points:


Especially the NIPCC - founders Singer is accused of bringing on behalf of the economy, the climate research into disrepute.

In the press leaked budget plan for 2012, the Heartland Institute stated: "We are currently sponsoring the NIPCC to undermine the official report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate. We have a team of authors paid $ 388,000 to work on a number of publications. "
