International Judge of Chess Compositions

The International referee for chess composition (English International Judge of Chess Compositions ( IJCC ) ) is a FIDE about the umbrella organization of the FIDE for chess composition ( WFCC ) conferred to individuals titles that have already evaluated several tournaments for chess problems and chess studies and even already have won awards for their own compositions in tournaments, so they are therefore in a position capable or to grant such awards even at the highest level.

The mandatory procurement directives of the permit are established by the Statutes of WFCC (Annex IIId). The title is valid from the date of awarding a lifetime; but may in very exceptional cases - be after final confirmation revoked by the General Assembly of the FIDE - gross abuse in the use or gross violation of the ethics of the title.

The title was first awarded in 1956. In the past several known chess players with tournament practice, as given, for example, Mikhail M. Botvinnik, Vasily Smyslov W., David I. Bronstein, Paul Keres, Yuri L. Averbakh and Wolfgang Unzicker, this title. Today, the title is awarded due to the now historically accomplished separation of game and chess problem those largely in the tournament practice the game of chess (and thus also the general public inevitably ) are unknown. Regardless of many composers are due to the official procurement directives and their problem- chess activities simultaneously both international judges and " International Master of Chess Composition", and in most cases the Referee title was first awarded, such as for Anatoli G. Kuznetsov, Alexander Hildebrand, György Bakcsi and Norman Macleod, as well as, to name only for the German chess composer Herbert Ahues, Franz Pachl and Werner Speckmann few.
