International Radio and Television Organisation

The International Organization of Radio Diffusion et de Télévision ( OIRT; German: International Radio and Television Organization) was the umbrella organization of radio and television stations in Central and Eastern Europe based in Prague. The OIRT members have their 1992 self-dissolution decided. Their television or radio stations and broadcasters have been incorporated into the European Broadcasting Union ( EBU).

OIRT and Intervision

The object of the OIRT was the mutual exchange of information on program design and the promotion of technical development as well as their special organization Intervision the program exchange among the members and the Euro vision. Members of the established ( OIR ) organization in 1946 as the International Organization of radio diffusion were Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Finland, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Romania and the Soviet Union.

All member countries ( with the exception of East Germany) used for FM radio stations a particular frequency band II ( 87.5-108.0 MHz) was below the VHF bands used in Western Europe. This OIRT band ( 65.9 MHz -73, 1 MHz), referred to as FM or FM low OIRT is hardly used anymore today. Most broadcasters changed in the meantime as the FM CCIR (high) designated Volume II There are also radio equipment on the market that can switch between two radio bands. For television transmission was referred to the OIR or later than OIRT standard used. Initially, in the GDR, but here is a change to the CCIR standard was still held in the 1950s.

The broadcasters of the neutral countries Austria (ORF ) and Finland ( YLE ) were both member of the Western EBU ( Euro Vision ) and the eastern OIRT Intervision. In both countries, as found in the GDR, the so-called OIRT band and the OIRT television standard does not apply.

  • Broadcasters