International Workers' Association

The International Workers Association (formerly the International Working Men's Association, in short: IAA), in the international sphere usually Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores (AIT ) and the International Workers Association ( IWA) called, is an international association of anarcho-syndicalist trade unions. It sees itself as a successor to the First International.


Today's IAA was founded in December 1922 as the International Workingmen's Association in Berlin from workers' delegations from ten countries. The name was chosen to commemorate the tradition of the First International, which existed from 1864 to 1876. As anarchist Confederation of Trade Unions, the IAA was born of a desire to be independent organize to differentiate itself from the Marxist -dominated unions. The IAA exists to this day with sections in 16 countries, such as the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (Spain ), the Confédération Nationale du Travail (France), the Free Workers and Workers' Union ( FAU), the Solidarity Federation ( UK ), the Unione Italiana Sindacale, Federación Obrera Regional and Argentina. After the Second World War, the ILO supported the Federation of liberal socialists in Germany and participated in the publication of the magazine realization and liberation.

The IAA had lost since the 1940s for a long time on weight, but it comes with the deepening capitalist economic crisis and the collapse of state socialist models for some time to increasing interest in social alternatives. The anarcho-syndicalist trade unions have in post-war Europe compared to the reformist trade union organizations have fewer paid members (CNT -AIT France, for example, the three-digit area). However, the share Active is much higher than other unions.

Substantive Profile

The anarcho-syndicalist IAA occurs for liberal labor organization and a libertarian social order. She fights for an anarcho-syndicalist self-management in production and consumption, that is, a management and ownership of businesses by the classless society. Without paid administrative apparatus the member associations of the IAA organize ideally local labor disputes and are committed to regional federalism and international solidarity. The organization is focused on the tradition of anarchism and anti-clerical ruling against central powers, including against military and intelligence agencies.

Member organizations

The following organizations are members of the ILO:

  • AIT kite session Portuguesa (AIT -SP ), Portugal
  • Anarho - sindikalistička inicijativa (ASI - MUR ), Serbia
  • Confederação Operária Brasileira (COB ), Brazil
  • Confédération nationale du travail (CNT -AIT ), France
  • Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT -E), Spain
  • Federación Obrera Regional Argentina ( FORA ), Argentina
  • Free workers and workers' Union ( FAU), Germany
  • Konfederatsiya Revolyutsionnikh Anarkho - Sindikalistov ( KRAS ), Russia
  • Norsk Syndikalistisk Forbund (NSF - IAA ), Norway
  • Priama Akcia, Slovakia
  • Solidarity Federation (SF ), United Kingdom
  • Unione Italiana Sindacale (USI -AIT ), Italy
  • Związek Syndykalistów Polski ( ZSP ), Poland

(April 2013) The secretariat is located in Oslo.
