Invasiveness of surgical procedures

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS ) is called the preamble surgical procedures with a minimum of trauma ( with the least damage to the skin and soft tissues ).

It has always been the goal of surgical treatment of inducing rapid recovery with minimal discomfort after surgery. At the beginning of the 1990s, laparoscopic surgery established initially for surgical removal of the gallbladder, and later to carry out complex operations in the abdomen.

First, the concepts of minimally invasive surgery and laparoscopic surgery were used almost interchangeably. Once the benefits of a surgical technique with only small incisions in the skin and other soft tissues were becoming increasingly evident with respect to the recovery of the patient, began in other areas, the development of so-called minimally invasive surgical procedures. Examples are the thoracoscopic surgery, endoscopic division of the flexor retinaculum at carpal tunnel syndrome, minimally invasive approaches during total hip replacement ( endoprosthesis ) (eg, Yale - technology) or bone stabilizing operations. There are also in thyroid surgery trends towards minimally invasive approaches that have not yet been enforced in width. A further area for MIC is the cosmetic surgery ( eg, forehead lift ), because here comes the advantage of small scars to bear.

For minor cuts and minor injuries to the soft tissues in access lead to less pain after surgery and usually also to a more rapid recovery and mobilization. On the other hand frequently is (but not always) the disadvantage of a lower visibility of the surgical field, which is usually asymptomatic but present greater soft tissue injuries, the extended operation time and the delay to access, at a threatening complication such as a strong bleeding in the surgical field. This view, however, can be controversial. An experienced Laparoskopeur will make the statement that he has a better overview of the operation and requires less time than the equivalent open surgery.

In recent years, minimally invasive surgical techniques have been firmly established and have many conventional surgical techniques based ( with more extensively cut) that were for decades considered the "gold standard ".

So far, these specialized operations were performed mainly stationary. Only the knee joint reflection carried out more frequently on an outpatient basis. These procedures are increasingly performed on an outpatient basis by the lower postoperative pain in optimized technology. In a few centers in Germany even laparoscopic cholecystectomy and abdominal wall hernias are an outpatient basis.

Thus, arthroscopy has become widespread as a minimally invasive technique to examine joints and treat injuries.

Also offer laparoscopic or thoracoscopic surgery procedure the opportunity to make in case of unclear findings on a more extensive inspection of the abdominal or chest cavity, than would be possible with a conventional access otherwise. Partial laparoscopic surgery is also performed in front of a complex and extensive surgery such as stomach removal to perform a status survey and plan the further therapeutic, and surgical procedure better. Again and again it is discussed whether the laparoscopic surgery of a malignant tumor such as in colon cancer with the same necessary radicality can be performed as in conventional approaches. Overall, the choice of the surgical procedure must always be taken individually (minimally invasive or conventional or open).
