Ioba Province

Ioba is a province in the region of Sud- Ouest in the West African state of Burkina Faso with about 161 484 inhabitants ( 1996) to 3289 km ². The province consists of the departments of dissin, Oronkua, Dano, Guéguéré, Zambo, Ouéssa and Koper. Capital is Dano.

Balé | Bam | Banwa | Bazèga | Bougouriba | Boulgou | Boulkiemdé | Comoé | Ganzourgou | Gnagna | Gourmand | Houet | Ioba | Kadiogo | Kénédougou | Komondjari | Kompienga | Kossi | Koulpélogo | Kouritenga | Kourwéogo | Léraba | Loroum | Mouhoun | Nahouri | Namentenga | Nayala | Noumbiel | Oubritenga | Oudalan | Passoré | Poni | Sanguié | Sanmatenga | Séno | Sissili | Soum | Sourou | Tapoa | Tuy | Yagha | Yatenga | Ziro | Zondoma | Zoundwéogo

  • Province in Burkina Faso