
In statistics, mean ipsative data (from the Latin "self" ipse ) when the scales with which to different individuals measured values ​​are collected, differ from individual to individual. For example, is charged in a subject by percentage and comparative estimate how strong a particular interest or a specific motivation in comparison to the other currently experienced interests, this comparison would be different in another subject.

Specifically speaking of ipsative data when offset the taxes withheld at a different individual readings in total. As Ipsativierung is referred to in the statistics corresponding to the centering ( alignment ) of several collected on the same individual measured values ​​on individual grand mean.

Ipsative data regularly emerge through forced-choice surveys in which the subjects must choose between mutually exclusive alternatives. An example of a forced- choice question would be: "Which of the following sentences best describes your interests: a ) I like to arrange flowers. b. ) I like to solve software problems. "By issue both items are interrelated, preference for flower arrangements correlated according to the design of the survey negatively with preference for software problems, although the preference could be positively correlated with one another at a different type of survey. This has consequences for the evaluation: Such individual- centered measurements are comparable between persons only with major reservations. Ipsative data are primarily used when an intra-individual analysis of the properties in the foreground. To compare, for example, To connect to a norm group, one needs normative data.
