Isaac Newton Institute

The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge is a national British research institute for mathematics and theoretical physics. It was founded in 1992 and is named after Isaac Newton. The first Director was the mathematician and Fields Prize winner Michael Atiyah with the physicist Peter Goddard as managing director ( deputy director ).

The conception after it should have no permanent research staff, but workshops and conferences on each changing emphases perform (two of which run concurrently ), which should be but longer applied ( four to six months) as for example the one-week Oberwolfach conferences.

It is supported by the University of Cambridge, with contributions from, among others, the EPSRC ( Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council ), the Leverhulme Trust and the London Mathematical Society. At the foundation specifically the St John 's College, on whose grounds the institute is located, and Trinity College ( Isaac Newton Trust) played a role.

In 1993, Andrew Wiles here before his proof of Fermatvermutung. Opened in 2002, the Centre for Mathematical Sciences of the University of Cambridge in the vicinity of the institute, in which the mathematical institutes of the university are bundled.

Other directors by Atiyah were Keith Moffatt ( as of 1996 ), John Kingman (since 2001 ) and David Wallace ( since 2006). Please contact the Program Committee (Scientific Steering Committee, SSC ) of the Institute to the side.

The address is 20 Clarkson Road, Cambridge.
