Islamic Front (Syria)

The Islamic Front (Arabic: al - Islamiyya الجبهة الإسلامية Dschabhat ) is an alliance of seven Islamist opposition groups in the civil war in Syria. It was founded on 22 November 2013, and represents the at that time largest opposition alliance represents ( one estimate consisting of at least 45,000 fighters ).

Founding members are the Salafist Ahrar al -Sham, in Idlib based Suqor al -Sham, Liwa al - Tawheed (the largest opposition group in Aleppo ), the Damascus -based Jaish al -Islam ( Army of Islam ), which is based in Homs Liwa al - Ḥaǧǧ and Dschabhat al - Kurdiya (aka Kurdish Islamic Front ) to do so. The declared goal of the Alliance is the overthrow of the Assad regime and the establishment of an Islamic state. It should be also cooperates with the Free Syrian Army.

Leader of the Islamic Front is Ahmed Issa al - Scheih ( Suqor al -Sham ), formerly leader of the Syrian Islamic Liberation Front. His deputy, Abu Omar ( Liwa al - Tawheed ). Head of military operations is Zahran Alloush ( Jaish al -Islam ). Head of the Political Bureau is Hassan Abboud, leader of the Syrian Islamic Front.

The members are to be completely united organization over a period of three months. The existence of constituents should therefore go out.
