Ismael Cortinas (Uruguayan politician)

Ismael Cortinas ( born June 17, 1884 in San José de Mayo, † 1940 in Montevideo) was an Uruguayan politician, journalist and playwright.

As a playwright Cortinas, who studied in Montevideo occurred in 1903 " altares Los dos " with the piece in San José de Mayo in appearance. Later followed by other plays such as " El Credo ", " La Rosa Natural", " René Mason ", " farsa Cruel " and " Otro Muerto ". As a journalist, he worked for newspapers La Democracia and El Plata. In addition, he was Chairman of the Sociedad de Autores Uruguaya Teatrales.

Cortinas, who belonged to the Partido Nacional, was sitting in the 25th legislative period from February 16, 1915, first as deputy mayor for the department of San José in the Cámara de Representantes. In the following three legislative sessions he had then held each a Titularmandat for the departments of Montevideo, Salto and Soriano. His time in the Chamber of Deputies, in 1924 he was Second Vice President, ended on 26 March 1925. On that day, he moved to the Cámara de Senadores. The mandate of senator he first took to August 22, 1927, from the March 19, 1928 right until 20 March 1929. During this time he worked in 1929 in succession to Duvimioso Terra President of the Senate and belonged since 1929 to the coup led by Gabriel Terra in 1933, the Consejo Nacional de Administración on.

In the department of Flores, the city was founded on October 18, 1950 Ismael Cortinas was named after him.
