Isocyanic acid

Above 0 ° C little resistant liquid, which tends to polymerize


- 86 ° C.

23.5 ° C


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The isocyanic acid is a reactive, less stable Cyansauerstoffsäure which is liberated from their salts by careful acidification and polymerized at temperatures above 0 ° C. Below 0 ° C, it is stable for weeks in benzene or ether. As a solution in ice water it is all the more durable, the more dilute the solution. Your hot ester isocyanates; its salts are usually not referred to as isocyanates, but as cyanates. The free acid polymerizes easily to a mixture of cyanuric acid and cyamelide. Like other pseudo halogens, it can also form a dimer " Diisooxocyan " OCN -NCO.

The cyanic acid as their tautomeric form is very unstable and is formed upon acidification of cyanates in only trace amounts ( up to 3% ).

Formally, the isocyanic acid imide of carbonic acid.
