
Isomerases are enzymes of the fifth class of enzymes according to the systematic nomenclature of the enzyme commission of International Union of Biochemistry (IUB ) and catalyze the isomerization reactions, which is the conversion of a compound in an isomeric structure. Isomers are molecules of the same molecular formula, but different absolute configuration or structural formula. Racemases catalyze Racematisierungsreaktionen in which a single hydrogen on the chiral carbon atom is rearranged a connection. An important biochemical isomerization reaction is the aldose - ketose rearrangement.

Isomerases are in the EC numbers classification system under 5 EC -. -. - Categorized.


  • Racemases, configuration inversion
  • Epimerases, for inversion of configuration
  • Mutases in intramolecular rearrangements
  • Topoisomerases, to control the supercoiling of DNA

Enzyme Examples

  • Glucose isomerase
  • Triose phosphate isomerase
  • Pentosephosphatepimerase

Other enzyme classes

  • Oxidoreductases ( EC 1 -. -. - )
  • Transferases ( EC 2 -. -. - )
  • Hydrolases ( EC 3 -. -. - )
  • Lyases ( EC 4 -. -. - )
  • Ligases ( EC 6 -. -. - )