Itamar Assumpção

Itamar Assumpção (* September 13, 1949 in Tietê, São Paulo, † 12 June 2003 in São Paulo; actually Francisco José de Itamar Assumpção ) was a Brazilian singer, composer, arranger and actor.


Itamar Assumpção, great-grandson of Angolan slaves, collected initially as a stage actor of stage experience, before turning due to an encounter with the composer Arrigo Barnabé music. Itamar Assumpção was one of the most important figures of Vanguarda Paulistana, the artistic avant-garde of São Paulo. In his shows he mixed music, poetry, video art, dance and theater. Musically, he was moving between different styles like samba, reggae, funk, rock, pop and avant-garde back and forth. Itamar Assumpção made ​​regular appearances in Europe, mainly in Germany, where in 1987 he appeared for the first time as part of the documenta in Kassel. His reputation among the younger musical artists Brazil shows up in his clear influence on the work of Chico César, Zeca Baleiro, Vange Milliet or Virgínia pink.


  • Beleléu, Leleu, Eu - Itamar Assumpção e Banda Isca de Polícia, 1980, LP / CD
  • Ás Próprias Custas S. A., 1983, LP / CD
  • Sampa Midnight - Isso não vai ficar assim, 1986 LP / CD
  • InterContinental! Quem diria! Era só o que faltava! , 1988, LP / CD
  • Bicho de Sete Cabeças - Itamar Assumpção e as Orquídeas do Brasil, 1993 CD
  • Bicho de Sete Cabeças, Vol 2 - Itamar Assumpção e as Orquídeas do Brasil, 1994, CD
  • Ataulfo ​​Alves por Itamar Assumpção - Pra Sempre Agora, 1996, CD
  • Pretobrás - Por que não pensei nisso antes ..., 1998, CD
  • Isso vai is repercussão - Naná Vasconcelos e Itamar Assumpção, 2004