Ivan Mane Jarnović

Giovanni Giornovichi (also Giovanni Mane Giornovichi, Ivan Mane Jarnović, baptized November 29, 1747 in Palermo, † November 23, 1804 in Saint Petersburg ) was an Italian violinist and composer, probably Dalmatian origin.

Life and work

About childhood and youth of Giornovichi little is known. Maybe he was born on a ship, as the son of itinerant artist Giovanni Maria Giornovici and Maria de Marchi. His family is in more than 30 different spellings handed ( concert announcements and reports in newspapers), including " Ivan Mane Jarnovic ", which could indicate the origin.

He was probably a pupil of Antonio Lolli and he admired Joseph Haydn, whom he met in London in 1790. In 1769 he was first mentioned in Paris, where he performed with great success at the Concert spiritual his own concerts. He traveled to Berlin, where he was from 1779 to 1781 first violinist in the orchestra of the Crown Prince Frederick William, Dresden, Vienna, Warsaw, St Petersburg, Stockholm and from 1790 to 1796 London, he was in the years 1792, 1798 and 1799 concerts in Hamburg and eventually moved to St. Petersburg, where he was first violinist in the orchestra of the Empress Catherine II.

He composed twenty-two violin concertos, six string quartets and sonatas and duets for violin. His life was the subject of the amendment Jarnowick of G. Desnoisterres, which appeared in 1844.
