Ivan Mikhailovich Obolensky

Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Obolensky (Russian: Иван Михайлович Оболенский, scientific transliteration Ivan Obolensky Michajlovič; born November 2, 1853 in Moscow, † February 27, 1910 in Iwanowka, Tambov Oblast / Russia) was a Russian general and politician. He was from 1904 to 1905 Tsarist Governor-General of Finland.


Ivan Obolensky was the son of a Russian aristocrat Mikhail Alexandrovich Obolensky (1821-1886) and his wife, the Romanian Princess Marioara Sturdza († 1895), was born. Obolensky was a member of the long-established dynasty of Rurik.

Governor-General of Finland

After the assassination of the Russian Governor-General Nikolai Bobrikov in June 1904 in Helsinki appointed Tsar Nicholas II Obolenski the new Governor-General. He held the office from 18 August 1904 to 18 November 1905. His tenure was turbulent. The Russian Revolution of 1905 led to the " Great Strike " in Finland, which paralyzed large parts of public life, from 30 October to 6 November. The unrest led under Obolenskis successor Nikolai Gerhard for the abolition of feudal estates Parliament and the introduction of a modern democracy in Finland.

Private life

Ivan Obolensky was married to Alexandra Nikolaevna Topornine. The couple had three sons and two daughters.

  • Man
  • Born in 1853
  • Died in 1910
  • Russian
  • Politicians (Russian Empire )
  • Governor General (Finland )