Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin

Ivan Vladimirovich Mitschurin (Russian: Иван Владимирович Мичурин, scientific transliteration Ivan Vladimirovič Micurin; * Oktoberjul 15 / 27 October 1855greg in Dolgoje, government Ryazan, today Mitschurowka, Ryazan Oblast, .. † June 7, 1935 in Michurinsk ) was a Russian botanists and plant breeders. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Miciurin ".

Life and work

He managed to grow frost- resistant varieties of fruit for the continental climate of Russia,. Orchards for large areas of Russia, with its low winter temperatures, the first place should make it all possible His first research remained the Imperial Department of Agriculture without support, but resulted in the first few days after the October Revolution to the competent Soviet organs to success. He got the necessary resources and support and was able to create for Russia's climate over 300 new varieties.

Because of these successes, his birthplace, the nearby town Nowomitschurinsk and the city Michurinsk, the former Koslow and at times also the Bulgarian city of Tsarevo were named after him. Mitschurin was excited by the new political power and took it as a supporter for his scientific work. In ancient Russia, he was in his own words " still an insignificant loner experimental horticulture. But only the great Lenin had understood his work and paved their way into the socialist life and Comrade Stalin has continued to support him. "

Mitschurin was of the view that Obstsämlinge through education and appropriate Pfropfpartner ( mentor ) and will not be influenced according to the Mendelian rules (Mentor method); the changes thus obtained gave Mitschurin mistaken for hereditary. His views were binding on the basis of the official party doctrine and for the country. On the basis of Michurin ideas emerged throughout the Soviet Union and later, should after the Second World War, and in most Eastern Bloc countries, schools and scientific institutions that develop and do not teach the genetics of the Brno Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel, but the methods of the Soviet citizen Mitschurin. The botany was to party thing and ideology.

With the spread of new " Michurinian science", which built on Darwin, Jean -Baptiste de Lamarck and Marx and the world should prove the superiority of Soviet science, made ​​his later students and staff Michurin Trofim Lysenko, a name. As head of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Lysenko was 16 years, from 1948 to 1964, the "dictator of Soviet biology " (see Lysenkoism ).

However, the main concern of Mitschurin were the school gardens and the inclusion of the natural sciences, botany and particularly gardening in the education and school, he saw in the teacher the gardener and in the student the young tree, which is to educate and form, so that he can bear the best fruit once.
