Ivar Rooth

Ivar Rooth ( born November 2, 1888 in Stockholm, † February 27, 1972 ) was a Swedish banker and from 3 August 1951 to October 3, 1956 to the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund.

Studied at the Rooth at Uppsala University and at the University of Berlin ( HU) in the subjects of law and economics. In 1914, he was General Counsel of the Commercial Bank Stockholm. In 1915 he took over the management of the commercial bank Stockholm and became its vice president. In the course of his career Rooth took over in 1919 the post of Executive Director of the Swedish investment bank, and in 1920 the line of the Stockholm Mortgage Bank. Rooth 1929 appointed President of the Riksbank. 1948 Rooth resigned in protest against the low interest rate policy from this post.

In addition, Ivar Rooth was from 1931 to 1933 and from 1937 to 1949 director of the International Settlement Bank in Basel during the years. For the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development headed Rooth 1951 a mission in Iraq. From 3 August 1951 to 3 October 1956 he was Managing Director of the IMF. In addition, he was from 1947 to 1961 director of the Investment Committee of the Pension Fund of the United Nations. He also ran from 1960 to 1962, the monetary authority in Kuwait.

He spent his retirement years from the early 1960s in Lidingö, Sweden.
