Ivo Malec

Ivo Malec ( born March 30, 1925 in Zagreb ) is a French composer of Croatian origin.

Malec received his musical education in Croatia and had a number of works ( including a symphony ) composed before he traveled to France in 1955. After studying with Olivier Messiaen, he settled in Paris in 1959 and came down in the following year on Pierre Schaeffer Groupe de recherches musicales. Since then, he wrote numerous orchestral pieces alongside electroacoustic works and works for instruments and live electronics. He became professor of composition at the Conservatoire de Paris in 1972.


  • Piano Sonata, 1949
  • Symphony, 1951
  • Cello Sonata, 1956
  • Movements s coloeurs for orchestra, 1959
  • Reflets for tape, 1961
  • Sigma, 1963
  • Miniatures pour Lewis Carroll for flute, harp, violin and drummer, 1964
  • Lignes et Points 1965
  • Cantate pour elle for soprano, harp and tape, 1966
  • Oral for actors and orchestra, 1967
  • Lumina for strings and tape, 1968
  • Luminétudes, 1968
  • Song for 18 voices and 39 strings, 1969
  • Dodécaméron for 12 voices, 1970
  • Pieris for two harps, 1975
  • Triola ou Symphonie pour moi - même for tape, 1977-78
  • Week-end for tape, 1982
  • Ottava bassa, Concerto for Double Bass and Orchestra, 1984
  • Attaca for percussion and tape, 1986
  • Artemisia for tape, 1991
  • Doppio Coro for tape, 1993
  • Exempla, Concerto for Orchestra, 1994
  • Ottava alta, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, 1995
  • Sonoris Causa for orchestra, 1997
  • Arc -en- cello, Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, 2000