Izu stingray

Dasyatis izuensis

Dasyatis izuensis is a smaller Stechrochenart and has only been found on the Pacific coast of the Izu Peninsula of Japan's main island Honshu.


Dasyatis izuensis has a diamond-shaped pectoral fin disk, which is slightly wider than long and reaches a maximum width of 42 cm. The front part of the disc runs out in a blunt snout. The tail is whip-like, about as long as the disc and carries a rare two poisonous sting. The top is golden brown, darker between the eyes and on the rear part of the tail. The underside is white, darker at the disc edges.

Way of life

The Ray lives on the continental shelf, mostly at depths 10-20 meters, but there are also reports of sightings both in depths up to 480 meters as well as in fresh water. Little is known about his life. He is ovoviviparous with litters of two to six pups, which are probably born after a gestation period of about 12 months. Because of its small geographical distribution and the threat adopted by Japanese coastal fishermen have conservation status by IUCN with NT ( Near Threatened ) is evaluated.
