
Rotschwanzjakamar (G. ruficauda )

The Jacamars ( Galbulidae ) are a family of woodpeckers with 18 species in five genera.


Jacamars are compact and have a eisvogelartigen head with a straight, very long beak. To remind them of a large hummingbird. The tail feathers are arranged like a fan in most species, with some well above the other merged, the two middle feathers on the outer protruding. The second and third toes of her little feet are partially fused together, they serve in the construction of the nest box as grave tools. The plumage is gold green and emerald green shining, the flight feathers are dark and the chest and the belly of colored pink to reddish brown. The featherless ring around the eyes (which is also present in the digester birds ) has a narrow connection to the beak. In a sitting posture they push out her chest wide and lift his head slightly. The first springs at the front are high and not lie where the throat is a small beard available. Their body length is 15 to 30 cm, weight 15 to 25 grams.

Way of life

All Jacamars are solitary and live on forest edges, only in the breeding season they come together. You can sunbathe for hours on the upper branches of a tree. Their song consists of a loud sound which is repeated several times in succession, he is described as scary and sad.

The birds stop at the waters edge out for insects such as butterflies, bees and winged ( male ) ants and then to let go of the control room and catch the prey in the air. Some species have specialized particularly on the butterflies of the genus Morpho. The hard wing of prey are removed by striking against a branch. The floor below the observation post is littered with butterfly wings.

The nest hole is dug in riverbanks, or buildings by termites. From the entrance, a longer tube directly to the brood chamber into which the female lays two to four eggs. These are incubated for about three weeks. At night, the male is looking for a place to sleep on while the female remains in the chamber. The boys have already hatching a down dress, they leave the nest after about 25 days. Enter as young birds trilling sounds.

Distribution and habitat

Jacamars are a purely American family. They come from Northeast Argentina over Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, western Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana (etc.) and Central America to Mexico before. They inhabit forest edges, mountains and even savannas. Dense rain forest, grass plains and high mountains they avoid.


Jacamars have with the digestion birds and some common with the barbets, honey indicators and woodpeckers few features, so they will be charged to the bird -like luster of them in their own subordination.

In particular, belong to this family:

  • Down Jacamars ( Brachygalba ) White-throated bird - gloss (B. albogularis )
  • Brown -throated splendor bird (B. lugubris )
  • Salmons gloss bird (B. Salmoni )
  • Short-tailed glossy bird (G. leucotis )
  • Purus gloss bird (G. purusianus )
  • White -billed bird gloss or gloss yellow -billed bird (G. albirostris )
  • Purple gloss bird G. chalcographic thorax
  • Blue-fronted - gloss bird or Grünscheiteljakamar (G. cyanescens )
  • Blue neck - gloss bird (G. cyanicollis )
  • Paradise bird or gloss Paradiesjakamar (G. dea )
  • Green -tailed Glossy bird or Grünjakamar (G. galbula )
  • Bronze luster bird or Weißbauchjakamar (G. leucogastra )
  • Copper luster bird or Bronzejakamar (G. pastazae )
  • Red- gloss bird or Rotschwanzjakamar (G. ruficauda )
  • White chin - gloss bird or Blaukehljakamar (G. tombacea )
  • Three-toed bird gloss ( Jacamaralcyon tridactyla)
  • Wide-mouthed - gloss bird ( Jacamerops aureus)